[Skins] I Miss The Way We Used To Be
Titolo: I Miss The Way We Used To Be
Autrice: Vany ( vedova_nera )
Beta: cialy_girl
♥ Fandom: Skins
Characters: Katie Fitch, Emily Fitch, Naomi Campbell
Pairing: Katie / Emily, Emily hints / Naomi
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
Challenge: Revelation @ IT100
Warnings: References to an interest between blood relatives, femmeslash.
Disclaimer: characters taken from the TV series, the legitimate copyright owners no reference to real people or events.
Notes: First round with Skins. And yes, my first test that counts is the femmeslash incest, I'm just wonder why.
thank you for the title cialy_girl and elephants and their The Lunatic. ♥
I Miss The Way We Used To Be