Users! \\ O /
Now that the fourth series of Skins began, back to make us feel too. * _ *
So then. Tell us! ♥
With the start of the series to show your passion has been reawakened? We are now definitely in love with the cast, or the characters will still leave some doubt? And most importantly, now that they have spent nearly two full series, still feel nostalgia for Tony, Sid, Jal, Chris and the others or the "new" deal with all your heart? (If you want to know, I still feel the nostalgia, _;)
And for those who have already seen the new episodes ... as you found them? * _ * I'm up to it? In short, tell and explain all that comes to mind. ♥ The extreme fangirling braked and shipping are allowed. u_u
In all this, we mark this lovely post on the comm
XD I think I love them, really. ♥
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