Title: I wish you were insane.
Author: S. (~ Changingroom ~
Fandom: Skins, series # 3;
Pairing: Cook / Effy / Freddie;
Rating : red
Summary: For a moment imagine them just where she is now, and feel little more than an interloper, a kind of aseptic legitimacy of what those two would do alone.
Notesse: this is a PWP?, Which is one of those nonsense written just for fun, to become familiar with the characters (especially with Cook, with whom I am not at all agree).
- Well? Have sex? Watch
Cook almost sullen, as if his penis in erection is not already a nuisance, something not quite pleasant: a bad gift under the Christmas tree, or like waking up on Sunday convinced that they must go to school and find themselves in slippers before the evidence of a Sunday morning that you spend sleeping and you are already in place, or like the taste of salt in the coffee, made by mistake instead of sugar; here: Cook's cock in full erection makes the effect a misunderstanding or otherwise objectionable to something that she would like to find out.
And, on the other hand, the hands of Freddie plan that caress the hips, buttocks, thighs remind her that sex is not only strong clenching Cook balls in his hands.
sex in three is a bit 'selfish Effy has learned the hard way.
When they started there, in the shed, Effy thought of having to give both her lovers, all of herself to be perfect, beautiful, unforgettable like all the boys with whom he had demanded that it was, then he understood that when fuck with two men who want nothing more than the soul ejaculated on her, you can not help but get your dose of pleasure, by force if necessary. And then finally, once and for all, Effy had begun to take the two men for what they were, perfectly framing the way they see sex conceived in three, ironically, it was very different from what they could do in two by two, in pairs.
It happened more often in bed, at school, in public restrooms - when they sought it with Freddie Cook in the shed or the house of a neighbor in case - when swallowing the sperm of either: Effy only then realized that something was missing. The other one. Sex in two more did not give the same satisfaction, since there were three.
How to explain the difference between masturbation and the document complete? The difference between sex as a couple and the menage-a-trois is the same, but at high power. The cube, probably.
When he feels the hands of Freddie with precise daring sneak into her panties, she sighs.
Cook's laugh - that's childish grin and animal together - make her smile. God only knows what he wants quell'erezione annoying way you do in the flesh, but the voice of Freddie in his ear, petulant, to excite her? Or the vision of that State obscene and straining to turn?
- Let me - and keeps his arms from behind, in a very strong close - I hold you and I well well I open my legs. Meanwhile, Cook does the rest, ok?
- No rhetorical questions, Freds, of course it is ok. The terms were clear. For
Effy pacts were very clear, almost like the fingers of Freddie playing with her clit torturing him almost gently, methodically.
- I only objection - say, do not even know exactly why. - That? - Asks Cook, the tip of his penis in contact with the fingers of Freddie, not far from her cunt.
- Whatever you decide to do with my body, okay, there is granted and nobody will stop you: as long as you kiss.
Silence. If they could say something to the walls of the shed, well, they would say, skiing, silence!
- Okay, babe - whispers in the ear of Freddie Effy, lying on his genitals caught in its erection jeans.
- The Cock! I hope you're kidding, ray of sunshine: Do not talk about it! Do not kiss my best friend to satisfy the fantasies of a wet chicks! Touching up the labia, Effy, smiling.
- You're pathetic, Cook speaks as if there had never been seen kissing. I have sex with you two fags for months, let me have noticed those sloppy kisses with your tongue and all that you give yourself without my knowledge when are you behind me? Or when I fall asleep? Or when fuck without me on Saturday night, before seeing with JJ?
- Actually JJ participates willingly ...
- What the fuck, Freddie! - Cook screams - you see, stupid? Ammosciare me you did, I knew it! You stupid, stupid, stupid! Effy
Freddie turns to look in his eyes. The smiles.
When they are alone, with Freddie Effy is sweet. She prefers that you are under: loves touching your breast with your fingers and takes a long time in preliminary infinite that no man before him had ever devoted. When there is if Cook puts his fingers inside, as now, it's just to see how Cook manages to open it with your fingers. It always looks in his eyes as if to challenge him, how to eat it.
When alone, Cook is noisy. He keeps screaming, giving orders. Demands, commands, encourages. When it's cold, with them, please ask to do as he says: it manages to perfectly coordinate their movements, so that Effy will be able to enjoy what he alone can not give you. Effy
Sometimes you find yourself wondering when to do it alone, two of them. Who has the assets and liabilities of those, who face two of the most noise, who resist any longer. Silly questions.
- Mettimelo you, Freddie. Facciamoglielo back up.
sighs, Effy. And, when you see the swell of Cook sex, kisses him on the mouth, then kisses Freddie. Then they kiss each other, Cook and Freddie, and Effy can not help but think that they are all beautiful, too beautiful. Just imagine for a moment there, where she is now, and feel little more than an interloper, a kind of aseptic legitimacy of what those two would do alone.
Maybe he should go - once again, despite everything, they feel strangers.
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