How Did I Become So Emotional? WHEN did I Become So Easily Moved to tears? I just want to see you with my very own eyes. I do love you all.
Pech is so difficult? Why
must work hard just to see you?
My little time with you I already had. I will never forget October 5 2O1O.
But not enough for me.
I want to see you. I want to see.
I can not wait any longer. I can not wait to have you 2O18 all be together again.
I want to fill my ears of your voice. Eye color of your dance. And my heart of your laughter.
Only this I want at this time.
I want to immerse myself in a Sapphire Blue Ocean.
사랑 해요 슈퍼 주니어 ! !
I hate you like I never loved anything in my life. (???) I've ruined my life.
now the trend of my day is dependent on you. From you. Lately everything revolves around you.
will fight until the last minute to see you.
HyukJae I love you Lee.
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